1 Reasoning & Computer Aptitude
- Puzzles (Seating Arrangement, Floor Puzzle, Scheduling, etc.)
- Data Sufficiency
- Machine Input-Output
- Logical Reasoning (Statement & Assumptions, Cause & Effect, etc.)
- Coding-Decoding
- Syllogisms
- Computer Basics (Hardware, Software, MS Office, Internet, Networking, etc.)
2 Data Analysis & Interpretation
- Data Sufficiency
- Arithmetic Problems (Percentage, Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work, etc.)
- Quadratic Equations
- Probability
- Permutation and Combination
3 English Language
- Error Spotting
- Sentence Correction/Improvement
- Para Jumbles
- Fill in the Blanks
- Vocabulary (Synonyms, Antonyms)
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